The Daring Rescue: Joining Jesus Christ In His Pursuit Of Your LGBTQ-Identified Child's Heart

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How do you love your LGBTQ-Identified child well without compromising your faith?

We are no longer losing our children to the LGBTQ community but parents who once claimed to be Christ followers are beginning to compromise the Word of God and fall away from their faith on a daily basis.

Having a daughter who embraced an LGBTQ identity in 2011, I am all too familiar with the struggle of walking in the tension of grace and truth. As a parent, you want nothing more than to stay connected and close to your child. But as followers of Jesus Christ, our call to be ministers of reconciliation must remain at the forefront of our lives. Holding firmly to truth while loving well is God's best for our children. There is an eternal cost when we choose to compromise.

As parents, we are positioned for Kingdom impact and that impact begins in our homes. We are in a war, and the lives of our children and the generations to come are at stake.

Through The Daring Rescue, parents will regain hope and are encouraged to love well while holding to truth, regardless of the shifting culture, and they are equipped and emboldened to be a vessel through which Jesus Christ can minister to their LGBTQ-identified child. Grab your copy today!

Melinda Patrick
Publication Date:
Self Published