Look no further. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is a concordance you can trust. There's a reason Strong's has continued to be the standard and most highly-regarded Bible concordance of millions for over a century; it is a rich and invaluable resource for students, scholars, pastors, and laypersons desiring an advanced, in-depth study of the Bible. It indexes every word in the King James Version, unpacks original Greek and Hebrew words, and proves itself an indispensable reference classic. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is a convenient handbook size, giving readers time-tested biblical knowledge at their fingertips. There's no question this concordance is a standout resource.
- Audience:
- Church
- Audience:
- College
- Audience:
- Couples
- Audience:
- Grandparents
- Audience:
- Men
- Audience:
- Parents
- Audience:
- Singles
- Audience:
- Teens
- Audience:
- Women
- Author:
- James Strong
- Language:
- English
- Pages:
- 1920
- Publication Date:
- 2003-05-01
- Publisher:
- Thomas Nelson
- Format:
- Book
- Topic:
- Faith
- Binding:
- Hardcover