Anne of Green Gables
$16.00 -
Backwards Beauty
$13.99 -
Just For Teens!

Riverbend Friends
Readers will join four teenage friends, Amelia, Shay, Izzy and Tessa, as they navigate the ups and downs of teen-life in Riverbend, Indiana.
High Water Series
Contemporary adventure and suspense for tweens and young adult readers that will hold their attention. Stories they can truly enjoy and learn from. Perfect for reluctant readers, and ideal for both boys and girls!

Brio Magazine, the Magazine for Girls
Each issue is packed with exciting, faith-based articles on navigating healthy relationships and body image, money, career dreams, fashion, boys, social media, music & entertainment features and more! It’s all meant to empower young girls, inspiring them to live life with brio, vigor, pep, passion, and determination—growing into the woman God called them to be!