Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine (K)

Explore unlimited faith-building fun with Focus
on the Family Clubhouse magazine!

Discover the Award-Winning Faith-Building Magazine Trusted by Thousands of Families - Try It Risk-Free

"I love how Clubhouse magazine has contextualized gospel truths into today's day and age for this important period of a child's life. We have been subscribing as we are able since 1996 and still have old, tattered copies being re-read after many years. Thank you, Focus on the Family, for maintaining such a valuable resource." - Catherine  

Tired of searching for content you trust that combines fun, learning, and faith? Clubhouse magazine is here to spark your kids' imagination and reinforce traditional values with captivating stories, activities, and more!

Many children's magazines on the market today focus solely on entertainment, often neglecting meaningful content that nurtures personal growth and spiritual development. Furthermore, they may include inappropriate or overly commercial material, making it difficult for parents to find a magazine that aligns with their family's values.

Each month, a new issue of Clubhouse magazine will be delivered to your door, brimming with faith-building content and activities. If you don't absolutely love it, you can easily cancel at any time!

"My grandchildren ages 6 through 12 love both magazines. As soon as it comes in the mail, they can't wait to read the stories and jokes and do the many activities featured. Thank you for producing such a captivating magazine with an emphasis on Christ! I was a little worried that my 12-year-old grandson had maybe outgrown the Clubhouse, but not so - he buries himself in his room to read the stories - thank you!" - Vicki 

Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine bursts with faith-building fun for kids ages 8-12. Each monthly issue of this award-winning magazine is packed with stories of ordinary kids doing extraordinary things for God, Average Boy’s hilarious adventures, character-building fiction, delicious recipes, jokes, puzzles . . . and exclusive Adventures in Odyssey content that you can’t find anywhere else. Reinforce traditional values and ignite your kids’ faith with Clubhouse.
With Clubhouse magazine, watch your children grow in their faith, develop moral values, and cultivate a love for learning. They'll eagerly anticipate each month's issue and cherish the memories created through shared family experiences. We know you will love it!

What's Included?

  • Monthly issues packed with stories, activities, and faith-building content
  • No advertising!
  • Exclusive access to Adventures in Odyssey Material

Clubhouse magazine stands apart by providing a wholesome alternative that encourages kids to nurture their faith in God, develop strong moral values, and engage in fun learning experiences. By choosing Clubhouse magazine, you're avoiding common mistakes like:

  • Exposing your children to content that doesn't align with your family's beliefs
  • Settling for shallow, purely entertainment-driven magazines
  • Missing out on the opportunity to foster a strong spiritual foundation in your children's lives
Make the smart choice for your family and invest in a magazine that combines fun, learning, and faith - Clubhouse magazine

"My mom ordered Clubhouse for me. I loved the magazine!! It had lots of fun games, stories, and other good stuff. There's also always lessons in the magazine. Clubhouse isn't just great for kids, it's for the whole family. You can't go wrong with Clubhouse!"  – John 

Experience the joy of inspiring your kids with faith-filled content!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long before my first issue arrives?

It might take up to 8 weeks for your first issue to arrive, as we prep our lists 8 weeks in advance for printing and postal delivery. Don’t worry, though, future issues will be right on time.

How do I cancel the magazine if my child doesn't like it?

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will gladly send you a refund of your remaining issues. Just contact customer service at 1-833-753-3434 or email us at

What age range does Clubhouse magazine speak to?

Clubhouse magazine is designed and written specifically for boys and girls ages 8-12.

How many pages are in the magazine?

36 advertising-free pages.

How long has this magazine been in circulation?

Clubhouse magazine has been in continuous publication since February 1987!

Continuous Service Feature: Save yourself from receiving multiple renewal mailings, save us from sending you multiple renewal mailings, and save a few trees in the process! Plus, you can manage or cancel your subscription or continuous service feature at any time by calling 1-833-753-3434 or email us at