In the graphic novel Captain Absolutely: Defending Truth, Justice, and Lots More Truuuth!, after a computer explosion at the library, Josiah King takes cover in a room full of Bibles. He reads God's Word for the first time that night, and (with the help of mysterious radioactive fumes) is transformed into a superhero---Captain Absolutely. He embarks on a battle for truth and justice, pitted against his ultimate nemesis, the notorious Dr. Relative. Recommended for ages 8 to 12 years.
- Audience:
- Children
- Author:
- Focus on the Family
- Language:
- English
- Pages:
- 144
- Publication Date:
- 2022-01-11
- Publisher:
- No
- Format:
- Book
- Topic:
- Parenting
- Binding:
- Paperback
10 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Round 2 please
My son had on his Christmas wish list " the 2nd Captain Absolutely " . I reluctantly told him I didnt think there was another. I love how God's truth is the backbone of the story. I love that it's my son's favorite book.
best book ever !
This is the best book ever!
Wish there were more
My reluctant 4th grade reader took this for his vacation to grandma and grandpa's. It was his choice to take it. He LOVED it and has asked for more. We will have to wait and pray that they will make more.
Captain Absolutely
My son, 8 years old, LOVED this book! He rereads it all the time. He keeps asking if there is a second book. We would love and hope to see them release a sequel and continue the adventures.
- an appealing graphic novel format
The comic book format instantly appealed to my 9 year old son, and he devoured this book in one afternoon. He's reread it several times since then, and it's led to some great conversations about having a Christian worldview and spiritual warfare. We're back to buy a second copy now, at my son's request, for his 10 year old cousin. The upper elementary and middle school book market needs more titles like this!
Captain Absolutely
Great book 'cause it talks about God
Good for the nerd but won't draw a crowd.
It's neat to see all of the comics at once. However, because I can see them all at once, this book seems to be lacking in plot. Too many bad guys- but a good heart nonetheless. There truly is a fight for truth, justice, and lots more truth, which is the real reason this book is written. And btw it's awesomely awesome artwork by Dennis Edwards.
Captain Absolutely
What an excellent job of tackling so many current issues regarding compromise of truth, the enemy's weapon of fear, and the spiritual victory that learning the Bible gives! Our currently-not-that-interested-in-reading son cannot put this short book down! Thank you!!!